On The Subject of The M.I.L.F

The Daily Think

I feel that we woman have enough on our plates, holding down a career, doing the housework, and should we choose to have them, having kids. I mean kids are FULL ON. So when it comes to having to look like a MILF on TOP of all that. Well, I had a thought, that cheered me up on the matter…milfdilfPilfsquilf

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Hello world!

This is my very first post. There are many things I hope to delve into through this page. Growing, health, mindfulness, love, nature… the horizons are broad. There are lessens I have learned and problems I’d like to fix. What better way to communicate the both than by sarcastically/sometimes seriously ranting on the internet? My hopes are that through this, I will not only help myself but find a way to help those reading too. Wish me luck.